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For almost 2000 years, people from most nations on earth have worshipped Jesus as the "Son of God."  When alive on earth, Jesus was a perfect human being:  He was kind, gentle, friendly, compassionate, welcoming, and honest! 

Also, he healed the sick, helped the needy, fed the hungry and loved all people!  He performed miracles such as bringing his friend Lazarus back to life after he had died four days earlier!!

Naturally, one of the main reasons for the belief in Jesus was because 

Jesus came back to life after his proven death by crucifixion!  Jesus is the only person in human history who came back to life after being DEAD!  The proof of this was by the large large number of people who saw him after his crucifixion, including very many who were not his apostles! 

Click here if you want to see who saw Jesus alive after his crucifixion!

From the first 12 of his disciples, there are now hundreds of millions of believers in Jesus and God all around the world!

Maybe YOU should become one of the true believers in God and Jesus!

That's the only way for you to be able to spend eternity in heaven!

Learn more about our Savior on the following pages:


Jesus Appears

Why Do I Love Jesus?

Jesus' most known sermon-- The Beatitudes

Jesus Sermon On The Mount

Sermon On The Mount

Let others pray for you


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